My first trip dates back from 1998 which was in Nepal. Since then I’ve been around in the Americas, South East Asian countries and Europe. Every year I noticed an increase, and with me more and more people, in a new annoyance conquering the travellers scene. It’s now officially a bigger annoyance than diarrhoea or cockroaches.
It is mostly performed by American travellers who are simply ‘talking’. It seems that they are quite fond of a specific word. I wouldn’t go so far by saying that our speech is superior to the American speech. But I do have to say that it does not emphasise great intelligence when people use one single word eight times in three sentences..
Example is the girl sitting in front of me (I am currently in Pokhara in Nepal). She inspired me to immediately start writing this text.
“Like do you think that uuhh…like I could go rafting tomorrow, like goin with a small group and like raft, spend the night and like havin a relaxed trip instead of like the harsh wild water rafts? Like that’s definitely not what I want to do. Like no way.
From a personal point of view I take notice to people who do things different. Especially when in a different culture. It bothers me. You don’t have to speak Nepali but you can at least try English. I guess that makes it my problem? So like I guess like I shouldn’t like worry, like just check out Nepal and just like it and like enjoy it like everybody does and not like worry about like the word like. Like u know.
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